🚧 Portfolio Under Construction 🚧

Hello! As of August 2024, I am in the process of updating my portfolio while beginning the product design job search after a year long sabbatical. This site contains projects from my early years as a graphic designer, and does not represent the projects I completed during my time at Braze.

Work experience at a glance

  • Braze (4.5 years): Product design, product system, and documentation design for the core B2B product suite, as well as web/mobile end user experiences powered by native SDKs.

  • Wolfram Research, with a focus on Wolfram|Alpha (5 years): Brand, marketing, documentation, and product design for both B2C math web/mobile apps, and B2B APIs and embedded services

  • Thunderstruck Design Studio (1.5 years): Graphic design with focus in brand, marketing, and print materials

To get a taste of what I worked on at Braze, check out the following user docs for these products and features. In-depth case studies are to come.

Authored articles

Looking to connect? Reach out on LinkedIn.